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Vacaville Pony Baseball

Vacaville Pony Baseball


Vacaville Pony Umpires

Melissa Hartkop

Umpire in Charge
Vacaville Pony Baseball

Quick Resources:

2025 Vacaville Pony Local Rules
Pony National Rules & Regulations

Pitching Rules & Regulations
Bat Standards & Regulations

Age Group Information
2025 Age League Chart

Pony Ejection Report

In baseball, the umpire is the person charged with officiating the game, including beginning, and ending the game, enforcing the rules of the game and the grounds, making judgment calls on plays, and handling the disciplinary actions.

Vacaville Pony League prides itself in providing a professional experience for our players and parents.  Our league thrives on its reputation, and our umpiring team plays a key role in upholding that reputation.  We hold our umpiring team to a standard that our young people deserve, and we look forward to working together to make it the absolute best.  Below are some rules and expectations:

·        A PROFESSIONAL UMPIRE IS expected to hustle, be alert, be in excellent physical condition, be knowledgeable of the game and the rules, be punctual and reliable and have a neat appearance.

·        BE PROFESSIONAL! It allows you to fulfill your role to the best of your ability. It helps you to impress and inspire others. And it gives you a deep sense of satisfaction and self-worth.

  • All umpires must attend the umpire clinic to be considered for umpiring in our league.
  • All umpires must attend and work one scrimmage during the preseason to get certified.  If you are not certified, you will not be scheduled for games.
  • When you send your availability, you must put dates and times. If you are scheduled and are not available, it is your responsibility to find a replacement umpire and notify me of the change.  Failure to make a scheduled game will result in a written warning.  Failure to make a second scheduled game will result in being suspended indefinitely.
  • When I send you a confirmation of your assigned games, you must reply to that email to acknowledge receipt of your schedule.
  • Make sure you understand the time limits for your games.  DST (Daylight Savings Time) is here, so it is simple:  Pinto and Mustang - 2 hrs. and Bronco - 2 hrs. 15 min (all year).  It is especially important that you start games on time, so be at the field 30 minutes prior to the start of your game. Home plate meetings between Managers and Umpires should start no later than 5 minutes before the scheduled start time of the game. Game balls are available at the snack bar.
  • Once the game has started you need to keep the teams hustling between innings (This is part of your job).  Pitchers should only get 8 warmups if new and 6 if continuing from a previous inning.  This is particularly important to keep the games moving along.
  • If you encounter rain or have darkness issues and are unsure what to do, meet with BOTH managers and get their input.  Never risk the safety of the kids to get a game completed.  You can contact me, or the Board Member on Duty that night if need be.
  • Each timecard must be properly filled out. Please fill out all info and put it in the drop box inside the shed. Also make sure you sign the score book after the game. Umpires’ payroll ends on the 15th and 31st of the month. Checks will be available within 2-3 days after the end of the pay period and can be picked up at the snack bar.

Thank you for your continued support and professionalism. And now, PLAY BALL!


Vacaville Pony Baseball
P.O. Box 987 
Vacaville, California 95696

Email: [email protected]

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